
Monday 25 April 2016

10 things I learn while watching the porn

In the midst of sexual desire and relief, lies a porn film. Every human longs for sexual excitement and porn satisfies that. So, watching it is perfectly okay and
acceptable. Mind is the only sex organ and while viewing porn, it rejoices the most. Our uneasy and stressful thoughts get soaked in pleasure and we disown the world for some time.
But sadly, I often hear people saying that pornography promotes sexual violence and rape. Really?
Here are the things I realized while watching porn:

1. Women are the most beautiful creatures on earth
A woman's body is definitely most beautiful thing ever. Everything from the curves of her waist to her breasts -there's a sense of beauty and any man who doesn't respect that is a fool.

2. Women enjoy sex as much as men do
A woman attaches more emotions to sex but exhibits the same sexual desire as most men do. Most women enjoy good erotica. Who says men are the only ones who have the flaming sexual imaginations?
If you still don't believe me, this link will clear all your doubts.

3. Sex is best when practiced with freedom and not force
At the time of sex, people are way too focused on giving or taking and actually forget to just celebrate the moment and be themselves completely, rejoicing in it madly.

4. It takes a lot of guts to be a porn star
Sex is natural and porn is man-made. You are selling your soul in front of the camera and the world watches you, as your nudity loses its secrecy. How many of us can actually think of doing this in our wildest dreams?

5. Porn stars have to work hard to look good on screen
You think that lean, sexy muscles, and sensuousness comes naturally to porn stars? It involves a lot of hardwork, muscular endurance and preserverance to achieve it. Looking naked ain't easy. Anybody can look great with 'Gucci' and 'Armani' on them.

6. You make a conscious decision to watch porn and then call it a sin
Pornstars don't invite you to watch porn. It's your desire that urges you to watch it. In India, 70% of students who were surveyed had watched porn from the age of 10 years and 31% of the boys interviewed watched violent porn content. And 30 per cent of Indian women watch online porn.
So, who is a sinner?

7. Porn does not promote rape
No, pornography has not made sexism, misogyny or violence against women worse but instead it has become an outlet for both men and women to find their sexual identity by means of accessing sexual pleasure.

8. Porn stars make more money than you and me
In countries outside India, like the US, an average male porn star makes Rs 15 lakh a year whereas an average female performer earns Rs 20 lakh a year.
Source: Therichest

9. Porn only shows the sexual moves but hides the true character of a porn star
Just because a porn star acts horny all the time, it doesn't proves that her character is bitchy and heartless.

10. Banning porn sites in India will not change people's attitude.
Porn is sometimes actually good for you. Sexual health is important part of you and I don't think it's anyone's business to stop you from enjoying it. Yes, porn has the certain potential to be harmful but only if it originates from greed, lust and misanthropy.

Source - Navbharat time , india times

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