
Thursday 17 December 2015

Meteor Js continuous integration with Codeship and Jasmine Js.

Hello, Following are simple steps to implements continuous integration for Meteor Apps on Codeship with Jasmine testing.

Lest assume that you have Codeship account and you have adequate knowledge of Jamine testing. Here you need to add Jasmine test cases in your project directory.

Also you need to create folder .deploy/staging, this folder will contains mup.json file and settings,json file. You need to configure mup.json file for deployment of your meteor project.

Codeship steps:

   - Clone latest Meteor repo from BitBucket
   - Paste the following script to "Setup Command" section, because codeship needs to  install Meteor      and other packages

        nvm install 0.10.33

     nvm use 0.10.33

     curl -o

     chmod +x

     sed -i "s/type sudo >\/dev\/null 2>&1/\ false /g"


     export PATH=$PATH:~/.meteor/

     meteor --version

     npm install -g velocity-cli

     cd ~/src/ && meteor add sanjo:jasmine velocity:html-reporter

   - Paste following script to "Configure Test Pipelines" section

         meteor run --test

   - Setup deploy command in deployment section by choosing custom script
          npm install -g mup

     cd .deploy/staging

     mup deploy

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